
Pinned!: Farm Accident—Our Walk in Faith

My father, grandfather, and great-grandfather were farmers, so you might say I was born into it. I could work in the great outdoors and watch nature all around me. I was my own boss and didn’t have to punch a clock. As a farmer, I could be envied because I was seen as living a more tranquil life and appeared to be more carefree because I had very few people to answer to other than myself.
This rugged individualism was good, but it was also harmful when I allowed pride and lack of humility to affect my relationship with other people, and more importantly with God. At times, I could easily think, I don’t need God or anyone else. I can do it myself.
This is a story about how God got my attention. It’s about His goodness, mercy, and healing during and following my near-fatal accident. Jeremiah 29:13 (NIV) says, “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” I sought Him with all of my being, and He reached out His hand and rescued me.